Tuesday 17 March 2009

It's Sex on TV

So I finally got around to watching the last episode of Torchwood, which explained why there were only 3 of them in the Doctor Who finale.

I remember reading an article about Torchwood a while back, about how the characters interact with each other. The idea is that they have no fixed sexual orientation, so you could never say "Oh this is the straight character" or "This is the gay character". It's a noble goal, as that can become the defining feature of a lot of characters, taking a lot away from what else they have to offer. The problem in Torchwood though, is that because none of them have fixed orientations, and the writers want you to know this, it has to be written into the script.

This means that every character just comes across as a huge slut.

They hit on ANYTHING, (That's actually quite literal in the case of one character, but that's quite funny) and it does make it feel like most of the population of Wales spends the majority of their time trying to get laid, and the rest being chased by aliens. In their defense they do live very near a dangerous and potentially deadly rift in time and space, so, might as well make the most of it.

This is probably the reason I stopped watching TV at home. It might just be me, but I find it incredibly awkward when watching TV with your parents and some sex scene comes around. Every thing's fine, a little family bonding going on, everyone is happy - then the main characters start ripping off each other clothes and passionately making out and suddenly the entire room is quiet apart from the TV. No one knows what to say really, and that silence is crushing.

"Do I make a joke? But that would draw attention to it. No, best I say nothing, it'll probably be over soon", I think, as the characters in the TV are slamming each other alternatively into the refrigerator (This particular scene takes place in a kitchen apparently). "Wow, how long has it been now? This is going on for ages"

And I can do nothing about it apart from fidget nervously and become extremely interested in a drinks coaster I found.