Monday 9 February 2009

About Blogs

You might think that in a blog, a person reveals who they really are. I would say that they reveal a lot less of who they are, and a lot more of whom they want to be seen as. Thanks to internet anonymity you can be a more confident person, a funnier person, or a sexy teen girl who is actually an old man using the screen name ‘xXhotgurl66Xx’ [This is a cliché].

Want to see this in action? Whip out a camera in any given social situation and watch everything change! Depending on the person and on their blood-alcohol level they will perform a variety of actions, including but not limited to:-

Fidget awkwardly
Talk louder and more intelligently (pretentiously), pretending not to see camera
Be a dick
Lift up shirt and scream

Personally I like to hide away and shut my mouth, lest I say something retarded that will be uploaded to Facebook within the hour.

The advantage of a blog is that it’s not live. At the moment, I am writing this in MSWord due to my crippling fear that one or both of the two people who actually might read this will pick up on a spelling error and ridicule me for the rest of my natural born life. All because I said my favourite desert was pudding (It’s actually Gobi). Of course, there are problems with using a word processor, like when my friend thought it would be a great idea to spice up his Personal Statement using synonyms. This is fine in moderation, but when you start using it for every other word, with each one meaning some subtly different, it does tend to turn your work into some kind of Shakespearian mind-fuck. ‘I am a durable proletarian’ is not the same as ‘I am a hard worker’.

So I guess that’s all I’m really saying with this terrible post. People pretend to be something else, but that’s basically what most of us do all the time anyway, right? I mean look at me, I write like a I’m a 16 year old, but I’m actually a 25 year old golden haired Adonis with too much money to know what to do with it who just wants someone to love me for me.


I’m thinking of writing a blog about blogs, and then later someone can write a blog about my blog about blogs and we can make the universe explode. Together. As one nation.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

that was pure Blog Dynamite!