Thursday 12 February 2009

Architecture Stuffs

I'm kinda taking a break from work, but need to keep thinking about it, so I thought I'd write it all down.

My Crit last Friday was both helpfull and soul crushing, which is basically the calling card of one of my tutors. First he destroys you, but then throws out a couple of scraps for you to grab hold of; A life-line, so that you don't drown in your own tears.
(That's something else. He seems to think I'm on the verge of suicide because he's always telling me not to look so depressed. I am not depressed! This is my thinking face! It is devoid of expression!)

Anyway, overall he said my individual ideas were strong (interesting Past/Present/Future thing we had to do, challenging site location etc) but I needed to be more specific in my analysis of the area and try to link my ideas together.

So, as my Past/Present/Future was all about the Cinema of Finland (the project is based in Helsinki) I'm linking cinematic techniques into my site analysis, starting with generic ideas like Size of Shot (Establishing Shot - overview of site, existing typologies and programmes etc. Close up Shot - texture analysis over the site area. Long Shots - Exploration of specific important views that I want to maintain/enhance) and then in the actual design stage consider lighting, filters, Mise-en-scéne influenced by local film producers like Aki Kaurismaki (Who I'm starting to really like even though I haven't even seen one of his films yet).

Hopefully this'll work out... There's a lot more linkage between my ideas now, with what could be a really good overlying theme that I didn't think of at all before for the "Guide Book" we need to produce that will accompany the project.

Well, we'll find out in tomorrows tutorials. Round table discussion :( There's always some jerk who shows everyone else up.


Jennifer said...

ooh! aaah!

as if anyone could think your crease-less baby face could hold any negative thoughts!

Mal said...

Some people say I have haunted eyes